My Grandma is one of my very favorite people on the planet. I am convinced that she and my Grandaddy are the reason I am such an avid reader. She has photos of a lot of us grandkids with books. There is one of my cousin Noah. I feel like somewhere there is one of me reading with my Grandaddy. There is one of my daughter Madison sitting on the stairs as a baby reading to her doll. I have one somewhere of my Grandaddy reading to Sarah before the Alzheimer's set in too bad. (One of my favorites!) Books are a huge part of our lives.
Today Kassidy is sick. It almost brought tears to my eyes when I looked over and saw Arrington cuddled with her "reading" her a book. Of course she can't actually read, but you wouldn't know it by looking at these pictures! It was a short, sweet moment. Then it was over and they were back to the bickering sisters they normally are. So glad my camera was nearby!