Friday, April 12, 2013

HeatherFeather Discovers RAW...and I don't mean veggies!

   So, I just recently got my new camera. And it will actually shoot in RAW. My old one claimed it did...but it didn't. I was terrified at first. It just looked complicated. But just like most things in life, what seemed so scary and difficult, really wasn't. Tried it out this week on some friends kids (and mine) at the beach. I was ecstatic with the results. I can't believe I had never taken the time to simply ask another photographer or heck, GOOGLE it! But I get it now! YAY ME!

Then I had a session yesterday and decided to go for it and shoot it in RAW! They turned out GREAT:

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The End of Three and the Beginning of Four || Griffith Family

   Most of you saw their gender reveal. And it was AWESOME! For those who were confused, we didn't know what color balloons were in the box. Only the friend who put them in the box knew. If you want to see those photos, you can see them here.

   Chasity wanted photos further along in her pregnancy. She was very adamant about making sure she got their last "Family of Three" photos. It is a very big deal going from one to two children, so I understand. (Although it's been many many moons since I did it! LOL) After many many schedule and weather conflicts, we got them done. Mother Nature isn't on my good list right now. It was a bit chilly, but they soldiered on and we got it done!

 Sometimes test shots turn out so cute, I keep them!

 This is all she would give me for "kissing the baby". Silly goose!

 As you can see, we enjoy goofing around! LOL

Congratulations Griffith Family, on the end of one chapter and the beginning of a beautiful new one! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Facing Fears || Personal

   This time last year, Arrington was just a little over a year. She was terrified of the water, and Daddy was gone and he is the one that usually gets the kids in the water. When we first moved here she was just a baby. So, she hadn't really experienced the ocean. We went for a family walk yesterday and she got closer to the water than ever before! It was so exciting watching her. For two, she is really smart. She quickly learned that she could time the waves so she knew when it was safe to get a little closer.

Not too sure about getting closer...

Checking it out from the safety of Daddy's shoulders.

 Throwing sand in the water!

Got a little too close...Had to run!

Oops! Almost got her!

Like a Boss!

No clue, but it's HILARIOUS!

They really do grow up SO fast! ::tear::

Yes, this is basically my back yard...I need to stop and enjoy it (and photograph it) more often!